Ruth Lander is a highly skilled and experienced Shiatsu practitioner and sports massage therapist with over 16 years of clinical experience. As she is trained in both Shiatsu and Sports Massage, Ruth has evolved a unique style that incorporates techniques from both disciplines.

Areas of speciality:

  • Shoulder and upper body pain
  • Postural imbalances
  • Stress-related issues
  • Sports injuries
  • Musculoskeletal issues
  • Climbing related injuries


Shiatsu is a Japanese form of massage that is hard to quantify. It is a massage but so much more besides.

Shiatsu is relaxing and works on areas of tension and pain, but at the same time, it can work at a deeper, more profound level, helping you become more in touch with your body, helping you sleep better – affecting you at an emotional and spiritual level. It is a truly holistic treatment.

During your shiatsu, the client remains fully clothed and no oils are used.

The techniques that may be used include stretching, joint mobilizing, acupressure points, massage and fascial release techniques. Every treatment is tailored to the individual and Ruth may suggest stretches or exercises for you to help maintain improvements.

Ruth trained at the British School of Shiatsu Do, is fully insured and is a member of the Shiatsu Society and the APNT .

Sports Massage

Sports massage is a therapeutic form of massage for injuries, pain, tension or tightness.

For the last 11 years, I have co-run ClimbersClinic, a clinic for climbers. As a result, I’m very experienced with upper body issues:

  • shoulder injuries
  • back problems
  • overuse injuries
  • tennis /golfer’s elbow
  • postural issues

However, I can work with any injuries or areas of tension. I work with the client fully-clothed as I find working directly on the skin using lotion less effective.

The cost for 1 hour is £45