My name is Aline Petit, and with a name like that, I cannot deny the fact that I am French!  But don’t let that put you off.  I have lived in the UK for over 30 years and speak better English than my native French. Much to my shame!  I still have a ‘hello hello’ accent; however, repeatedly, I am told that it does work in my favour when it comes to hypnosis.

I first discovered hypnotherapy while looking for a way of helping our teenage son, who was suffering from anxiety after being bullied at College. I have seen first-hand how devastating and life-changing anxiety can be for the sufferer and the people supporting that person.  Anxiety can rob a person of their personality, their spark and even change their physical appearance in the process.

There is light at the end of the tunnel though, I have also seen first-hand the positive effect hypnotherapy can have and how transformative it can be even after one session.

Inspired by this amazing therapy, I have gained a Certificate and Diploma in Hypnotherapy with The Devon School of Hypnotherapy in Paignton, Devon.  I am also registered with the General Hypnotherapy Standards Council.


Last year, I completed training to become a DA champion and intend to train further in this field.  Again, this is a very close subject to my heart and how Domestic Abuse affects all family members differently, including children.  I believe hypnotherapy can play a vital part in the victims’ recovery.

I love being a hypnotherapist because I have always enjoyed helping people.

My Key focus is to support families who suffer from stress and anxiety, whether as a result of DA or not.    The whole family often feels helpless and desperate, and if I can help one more family member and start to heal their family in the process, this makes my job so worthwhile.

Other areas of success with past clients include increased confidence, weight management, OCD, phobias, addiction and much more. I feel confident that I can help and work with you with whatever issue is affecting you.

If you are just curious or would like to discuss how hypnotherapy could benefit you or a loved one, please give me a call. Everything we discuss will be confidential.


Telephone: 07941201140 / (01626) 886 770
